Macomb College Science Olympiad

The Cloudbusters assisted event director Garry Alred in the running of the Wright Stuff event at the Science Olympiad held at Macomb College March 18 2000.

Cloudbuster officials at Macomb College Science Olympiad Wright Stuff competition. Standing L-R George Carter, Gerry Lemke, Bill Alred, Garry Alred, Jill Alred, Don Carter, Fred Tellier, and George Lewis. Kneeling L-R Jack Lemon, Jack Moses, Don Lang, Stu Weckerly, and Bill Leppard. In front are Jeff Wyatt (holding plane) and Jell Walgrave contestants from L'anse Creuse High School.

Matthew Palmer and William Luong winners from Dakota High School

Jacqueline Palmer and Stephanie Karisny Middle School winners from Senica MS.